Real Estate

Financial Modeling for Real Estate

We specialize in creating fully dynamic and custom Excel models tailored for any real estate scenario, including acquisition and development. Our financial models encompass a wide range of components to provide comprehensive and insightful analysis.

Brookmont Capital Partners residential property investments

Key Features of Our Financial Models:

  • Timing & Finance Assumptions: Detailed projections and assumptions for project timelines, financing structures, and cash flow.

  • Structured Lease-Up Schedules: Accurate and detailed lease-up schedules to reflect the anticipated absorption rates and occupancy levels.

  • Sensitivity Analysis: Advanced sensitivity analysis to evaluate the impact of various assumptions and market conditions on project outcomes.

  • Multi-Tiered Equity Waterfall Returns: Complex equity waterfall structures to accurately model the distribution of returns among different equity stakeholders.

  • Comprehensive Graphs and Visualizations: Clear and informative graphs and charts to visualize key metrics and project performance.

Our financial modeling services are designed to support your decision-making process by providing robust and reliable financial projections. Whether you are evaluating a new acquisition or developing a property, our models offer the flexibility and precision needed to achieve your investment goals.

Explore how our customized financial models can help you make informed real estate investment decisions with confidence. Contact Brookmont Capital Partners today to learn more.

Brookmont Capital Partners commercial property investments

Due Dilligence

Brookmont Capital Partners due diligence process is designed to equip you with the critical insights needed to seize unique real estate opportunities. Our thorough approach includes:

  • Submarket Analysis: In-depth examination of local market conditions to identify trends, risks, and opportunities specific to the area.

  • Financial Review: Comprehensive assessment of financial statements and projections to ensure the viability and profitability of the investment.

  • General Research: Detailed research on property types, sponsorship backgrounds, sales strategies, financing options, and more to provide a holistic understanding of the investment landscape.

By leveraging our due diligence services, you gain the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions and maximize the potential of your real estate investments. Discover how Brookmont Capital Partners can help you navigate the complexities of real estate transactions with confidence and clarity. Contact us today to learn more.

Brookmont Capital Partners hospitality property investments
Brookmont Capital Partners real estate investment process

Generative AI Accelerator

Some business are testing generative AI far and wide while others stick to minimal- if any- use. Every business must find it’s right balance of risk and innovation. Have you?

Brookmont Capital Partners multifamily property investments
Brookmont Capital Partners industrial property investments

Marketing Collateral

Brookmont Capital Partners, we provide bespoke marketing materials tailored to individual deals, funds, and organizations. Our offerings range from concise insights to comprehensive presentations, ensuring you have the right tools to communicate your value effectively.

  • Quick Insights: One-page highlights, executive summaries, and teaser emails designed to capture interest quickly and succinctly.

  • Detailed Presentations: In-depth investor presentations and company overviews that provide a thorough analysis and compelling narrative to attract and retain investors.

Our custom marketing collateral is crafted to meet your specific needs, helping you present your opportunities with clarity and impact. Discover how Brookmont Capital Partners can enhance your marketing efforts and drive successful outcomes. Contact us today to learn more.